Recipe WP Theme For Recipes 4.6
Recipe is most complete solution for recipe management. It has all the features which are a must in order to provide good experience for the members who submit recipes as well as for the ones who read them. With its modern an unique design it really stands among other recipe sites.
Recipe WP Theme For Recipes 4.6
HomePage : DEMO
Download information for guests:
- Recipe ratings
- Recipe ingredients with the checkboxes
- Recipe steps with the checkboxes and rich text editor
- Recipe description
- Recipe video
- Recipe featured image
- Recipe gallery images
- Recipe details meta data
- Recipe nutritions
- Recipe categories
- Recipe custom made icons (200 font icons)
- Recipe cuisines
- Recipe print
- Recipe featured
- Recipe likes system
- Recipe views system
- All this is managable from the user profile page
- More…

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